
On April 27th, 2021, City Council approved $361,922 for AECOM Technical Services Inc to provide architectural engineering and consulting services for a multi-department government complex to replace the City Hall location. The proposed Government Complex will also house other City departments into the new Complex.

During the meeting, Public Works Director Kevin Cook said the consolidation of other city departments into the new government complex will free up on-going financial obligations that are keeping current buildings operational, commenting on the Chief of Police John Lau saying “we always have something broken here” speaking to the current police headquarters, which was previously built to house a bank.

Mayor Dan Diesel says the approval of the money for the design service is “it’s the first step of a long journey. Every journey starts with the first step.”

Councilmember JoLynn Nelson asked about using the current City Hall and doing a complete renovation. Public Works Director Kevin Cook says that might be more costly due to the City Hall building being built in the 1960’s. City Manager Scott Larese pointed out that a wall in the City Council Chamber leaks during heavy rains and the building would have to be completely gutted to the exterior walls, the concrete structure of the building.

City Manager Larese says the engineering firm will not advise the city of a location to put the new complex, but it will provide a general footprint that the complex will need, leaving the location up to City Council, and ultimately the residents of Titusville.

The designs from the engineering firm should come before City Council soo and I’ll have those as soon as they are released.

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