
BlackStar Orbital, a trailblazer in reusable satellite technology and defense systems, has successfully closed its seed funding round through a strategic investment agreement with CT Holdings Inc.

This landmark partnership, which was finalized in February and is now being publicly announced, represents a significant milestone in BlackStar Orbital’s mission to transform space exploration and communication infrastructure.

Under the agreement, CT Holdings has made a substantial undisclosed investment in BlackStar Orbital via a convertible note. The infusion of capital will accelerate BlackStar Orbital’s growth, enabling strategic hiring, prototyping, and the establishment of a corporate office in downtown Titusville, Florida. This investment will propel BlackStar’s plan to expand its foothold, meeting the increasing demand for responsive, high-performance spacecraft.

“We are thrilled to welcome CT Holdings as a strategic partner,” said Christopher Jannette, CEO of BlackStar Orbital. “Their investment and support underscore the strength of our vision and the potential of our technology to make a significant impact in this critical industry. This partnership provides us with the resources and expertise needed to push the boundaries of high-performance satellite technology, maintaining our lead in dynamic space drone operations.”

As part of the agreement, CT Holdings will secure a position on BlackStar Orbital’s Board of Directors, contributing extensive industry knowledge and strategic insight. This collaboration is expected to foster innovation, drive growth, and create new opportunities for both companies.

CT Holdings Principal Investor Chris Tracy expressed confidence in BlackStar Orbital’s transformative potential. “Our partnership strategically supports the future of satellite communications and space exploration,” Tracy stated. “We look forward to working closely with BlackStar Orbital to achieve our shared goals and address their unique needs for critical secure IT infrastructure.”

The partnership also involves the issuance of a mix of common and preferred stock to CT Holdings, further aligning the interests of both parties and solidifying a long-term collaborative relationship.

About BlackStar Orbital Technologies Corporation: BlackStar Orbital Technologies Corporation specializes in developing reconfigurable smallsat class spaceplanes, including the BlackStar-C spacecraft. The BlackStar-C features an advanced modular payload bay system, uniquely designed for effective payload deployment and cargo stowage. It boasts several key features:

  1. Modularity: The BlackStar-C’s modular design allows for rapid reconfiguration and adaptation to various mission profiles. Whether deploying communication satellites, Earth observation instruments, or scientific payloads, the BlackStar-C can accommodate diverse payloads efficiently.
  2. Reusable Platform: BlackStar Orbital prioritizes sustainability. The spacecraft’s reusability minimizes waste and reduces costs associated with manufacturing new satellites for each mission.
  3. Responsive Operations: With its dynamic space drone capabilities, the BlackStar-C can swiftly adjust its orbit, perform station-keeping maneuvers, and respond to emerging mission requirements.
  4. Advanced Avionics: The spacecraft incorporates cutting-edge avionics systems, ensuring reliable communication, precise navigation, and autonomous operations.

BlackStar Orbital is dedicated to delivering innovative space solutions that meet the growing demand for sophisticated and reliable satellite deployment. Learn more at spacedrone.io.

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