
While Titusville faces the familiar challenges of balancing development with environmental preservation, a growing chorus of residents is demanding change, expressing concerns about the city’s governance, transparency, and accountability.

The focal point of these concerns is City Manager Scott Larese, whose perceived control over the elected City Council,substantial salary increases, consistently glowing performance reviews, and lack of communication with the public have sparked widespread dissatisfaction.

“I see the city manager running the show, and I see the City Council following along,” said Michael Myjak, vice chair of the Titusville Environmental Commission and chair of Speak Up Titusville. This sentiment is echoed by others in the community, including Christopher Childs, a current Planning and Zoning member and City Council candidate.

Childs stated, “While some on the city council want to say that it is a small minority of people that are upset, I have met with plenty of residents who are not happy, and they feel like they are not being heard. When the city manager won’t meet with concerned citizens or return a phone call and email from a news outlet, a clear message needs to be sent from the city council that communication needs to improve right now!”

Photo by Stel Bailey during a Rally in front of City Hall on May 1, 2024

Stel Bailey, a community advocate, added another dimension to the concerns. “Unfortunately, the city’s reputation has suffered greatly due to a lack of accountability among elected officials and city staff. Transparency, accountability, and effective communication have been issues for some time with the City of Titusville government.”

Bailey further emphasized the need for “resilient leadership that can challenge detrimental behaviors, not swayed by ego, money, or power.” She acknowledged some progress but stressed the need for more substantial changes to create a city government that truly serves its people.

The desire for improved communication and transparency is a recurring theme among residents. Megan Moscoso, a current Planning and Zoning Board Member, confirmed this sentiment, stating “a common theme I hear from residents at City Hall is their desire for increased transparency and open communication with the City Manager. Although the number of meeting attendees may be small, this sentiment resonates broadly throughout the community.”

Despite the council-manager system in place, where the council sets policy and the manager implements it, residents perceive an imbalance of power favoring Larese. Some council members maintain their authority over the city manager, but the perception of his unchecked influence persists.

Larese’s salary, which has increased by over 57% since 2014 to $220,605 annually, is a point of contention for residents,especially considering it rivals the compensation of city managers in larger cities.

Moreover, his consistently perfect performance reviews from a majority of council members have drawn skepticism and calls for a more objective evaluation process. As these concerns continue to mount, residents are demanding greater transparency, accountability, and improved communication from city officials.

The City Council faces a crucial decision: will they heed the calls for change and take steps to rebuild trust with the community, or will they maintain the status quo, risking further erosion of public confidence? The future direction of Titusville’s governance hangs in the balance.

You can read the Performance Report for City Manager Scott Larese below

6 responses to “Titusville Residents Demand Change Amid Concerns Over Governance, Transparency, and Accountability”

  1. From what I’ve read, seen , and heard…There seem to be plenty of reasons for the Council members and manager to want to hide!
    We, 84% of the voter/taxpayers, intended for THE RIGHT FOR 🫧CLEAN WATER. 💦 Now, the City Council members are SPENDING OUR TAX $$ to SUE THE VOTERS for a SECOND TIME…(please read that out loud twice)…now, ask them why.
    Do you Want to Know how your local tax $ are wasted?
    Please dear community members, please replace the city council members and manager. THEY ARE USING OUR TAX$ To sell and eliminate our designated “green spaces” to developers, to overload our infrastructure (schools, streets, sewers, etc.).
    We live in a beautiful town.
    Please read to inform yourselves who the specific people are who vote on how our tax $ are spent, and vote for those who you can trust to LISTEN to what you want.💦🕊🐩

  2. Brian Blackmore Avatar
    Brian Blackmore

    The downtown sewage problem finally seems to be getting addressed. Titusville does a great job with restaurants, boating and fishing. Rocket launches are exciting also. We don’t need to worry about high rise buildings and developing another Orlando. Titusville is big enough. Now let’s maintain our current city, put criminals in jail and keep our infrastructure in good repair.

    1. Oh yes we do need to worry about high rise buildings and developing another Orlando. Have you not seen the plans for the old Sears Town Mall–10 story hotel, etc; or the plans for the empty land across from the marina: another set of 10 story buildings housing, hotels & retail. Is that not another Orlando????

  3. I think one of the quickest ways to capture citizen’s attention is to have coffee with the city manager…Maybe weekly and at different times and locations. That way, citizens can confront the city manager, hear about future plans, and generally discuss their problems with the city. And have it broadcast on Facebook so people who cannot make it to have coffee with the city manager, can listen to what is being said….Its a start…..

    1. Kristin Lortie Avatar
      Kristin Lortie

      It’s a great idea. There are (2) Brevard city’s that have a monthly coffee with a city manager – Cape Canaveral and Cocoa Beach (who has added the Mayor too). I’ve suggested this for Titusville but unfortunately so far it’s fallen on deaf ears. The city manager currently receives perfect reviews with no requirement to meet with the residents. A few meetings ago he declined to answer a direct question from the on why the city council member contact info was removed from the city website.

      IMO only new council members could help create a shift in his thinking.

  4. Dr. Jeff Greenberg Avatar
    Dr. Jeff Greenberg

    I had the very unfortunate experience of coming before the City Council and Manager with a proposal for studying our stormwater issues here. I was treated very rudely with Mr. Larese stating, “the city isn’t interested”, even though there had been no discussion and the grant may have contributed hundreds of thousands dollars in serving the health needs of our community and the degraded Indian River Lagoon. After a couple of these unfriendly appearances, the Council voted on my proposal when I was out of town. On-the-record, two Council members essentially slandered me personally. THIS is our current city government. Time for a big change

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