
Cleanup and decontamination efforts are progressing at the Titusville Post Office following a mercury spill, according to a June 13 update from the National Association of Postal Supervisors (NAPS).

The Titusville facility remains closed as of June 12, while mail decontamination continues. Over 600 bags of mail have been screened, with 137 cleared for release. Breathing zone levels in the workroom are below clearance criteria,indicating improved air quality.

At the Mid-Florida Processing and Distribution Center, the trailer involved in the incident has been deemed safe for transport. Plans are underway to move the trailer to a secure location on-site, pending final removal and decontamination.

Further decontamination activities are planned for the Titusville workroom floor, with real-time air monitoring ongoing.Sampling grids will help identify areas needing additional cleaning. The contractor is also finalizing a waste management plan in consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Mid-Florida facility remains operational, and efforts are underway to remove remaining equipment from the affected trailer. The contractor is exploring options for the trailer’s transport, recycling, or destruction.

While the cleanup continues, Titusville customers can access postal services at the Cocoa Post Office.

The mercury spill, reported in late May, prompted the closure of both the Titusville and Christmas Post Offices. The incident highlights the risks associated with hazardous materials entering the mail system.

The U.S. Postal Service has protocols in place to manage such situations and ensure the safety of its employees and the public.

4 responses to “Progress Made in Titusville Post Office Mercury Spill Cleanup, Facility Still Closed”

  1. Joseph Laberge Avatar
    Joseph Laberge

    As a kid we played with mercury. Now 73, what’s the big deal. I don’t know the extent of the spill but it seems like normal government BS. Just imagine the cost We The People will have!

  2. Really ? Asbestos wasn’t an issue when you were a youngster…nor was Lead in house paint either. Did you forget about them too?

    1. Wrong! It was an issue but since we are still living I guess it wasn’t that big of an issue. Yeah and I’m healthy!!

  3. Yep, and EVERY so called ,”Special Interest” group is a collection of Gossiping Poop Heads trying to create a Scene of Discontent,,Complaining, Criticism & Contradiction, haha👀. Just to add more confusion to the mix of things. As usual.. What we all need to do is take a few steps backwards , during the days of the ,Good Ole’ 50’s n 60’s. Butt, that’s not going 2 happen.. coz, there’s just too many dorky single parent families these days having to deal with a highly CORRUPT school board SYSTEM. ACROSS THIS COUNTRY.
    Ykw!!! This Country’s School boards need to be Cleaned up, and KICK OUT the Ones that are leaning towards the LIBERAL SIDE of the Laws. That’s WHAT 🤐😔😠😎😳And return to the tried n true CONSERVATIVE ways of LIFE.. NO MORE LIBERAL BULLSHEET..
    ” ohhhh wellll I neverrrrr “. no more gay crap. Put the Bible back into the SCHOOLS. all of them. Especially the Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy 🙏👀👍Joshua & Judges, too !!! Add also the Cryptic books; to name a few more…👀.
    In MY OPINION as it is UNDERSTOOD without taking the subject matter out of CONTEXT.. as MOST liberals do these days. They take everything out- of- CONTEXT. In order to Twist the words their way.. Humnn? 🤔. So did the Satan transform himself into the most beautiful animal at the time in the Garden was the Serpent. Was it not ! And, the Evil spirit took on the bodily shape of the Serpent in order to Trick Eve ( the Emotional one ) and then change and/ or TWIST the Words to intrique the females interest his way, so as to sexually interest Adam the Dominate male to take part of her ways of being tricked by the Evil One. T h I n k on that one Folks. SPIRITS ARE ALLOWED AND DO SHAPE-SHIFT. duh duh duh YES they can & DO.. Read your BIBLE.. duh duh duh or better yet read the Knoptic Texts ..or maybe the Ancient Book(s) of Enoch, Thomas or Mary…👀👀👀🙏💥💥💥🙏
    Oh, btw, King JAMES’s translators evidently left a few Books out of the KJV…didn’t he 😳😎😠😔😱and his translators omitted quite a few things from the Hebrew Torah .
    That’s WHY he had it translated into English 😱👀. Is because he was illiterate in Hebrew, Greek & Aramiac .. dykthat👀. and Latin..
    King James was a DUFUS highly un intelligent political figure.. of his day… FACT JACK 👀😱👀

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